HOUSE of WARIS Botanicals was catalyzed by the radical little idea of examining what thoughtful living means in our world today.
We share a common ideology of goodness and aspire to affect positive change within our community and beyond. Joining the House as a member gives you access to our gatherings and partner exclusives.

Black Lives Matter
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou
Knowledge is power.
Today and every day, we must educate ourselves and others.
We need to have difficult conversations with our families and friends. We need to understand our own privileges and consider what we can do with the power we have to provide support for and amplify the voices of those who need it. We need to ask ourselves difficult questions - What we are willing to risk, what we are willing sacrifice, for justice?
We need to listen, learn, take action. It is our responsibility to create a more just society.
Below are some of resources we hope are helpful to everyone.

Knowledge is Power
Fund the Black Lives Matter movement here.
Donate to Campaign Zero here.
Donate to Grassroots Law Project here.
Donate to Know Your Rights Camp here.
Donate to the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund here.
Donate to Reclaim the Block here.
Sign the petition to #DefundThePolice here
Sign the Color of Change petition here.
Sign the Justice for George Floyd by change.org petition here.
ADOHC: Take Action: A List of Ways You Can Stand In Solidarity with the Black Community
The New York Times: The Anti-Racist Reading List
The Guardian:Do The Work: An Antiracist Reading List
TIME: Books to Read to Educate Yourself About Anti-Racism and Race
Scene on Radio: "Seeing White" podcast seriesNPR
Podcast: Code Switch
Please share these resources (and others!) with your family, friends, colleagues, etc.Everyone can benefit by educating themselves and supporting organizations that are fighting for justice.